“I am willing and ready to suffer anything… but I won’t give up my Christian faith!”
Faith in the Face of Fear
Dear Friend,
Several weeks ago a disturbing video posted on the social media platform TikTok showed a Pakistani Christian man seated on the ground surrounded by people not visible on the video.
Voices of the crowd can be heard, demanding the Christian man recite the Shahada, the Islamic creed: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger [or prophet] of Allah.” He knows that if he says this simple phrase before those around him, he will no longer be considered a Christian but a Muslim. A decision must be made.
He calmly replies, “No, there is nothing in this world that you can do to force me to recite the Muslim creed to become a Muslim and reject my Christian faith.”
Those standing around him, angered by his response, threaten him saying he will face serious consequences for rejecting Islam. Even then, the man responds with composure “It’s my right to keep my Christian faith and I am willing and ready to suffer anything you want to do to me. I will not give up my Christian faith!”
As I watched this video, his fearless faith impressed me – “I am willing and ready to suffer anything… but I won’t give up my Christian faith!”
The cost of living as a Christian in Pakistan comes at a high price. Especially when you realize Pakistan is a nation of over 215 million Muslims, compared to Christianity only making up around 3.5 million.
Day in and day out Pakistani Christians live under tremendous pressure. Muslims repeatedly claim the Bible has been corrupted over time, and that the original divine message of Jesus has been lost leaving the Qu’ran as the only trustworthy scripture in existence. They believe the Bible is filled with many errors and contradictions and is not to be trusted.
For almost 20 years one of AsiaLink’s most effective ways of reaching Muslims and nominal Christians has been through our Bible Correspondence Institute, sending lessons on the Bible and Christianity through the mail to hundreds of earnest seekers. Many of our courses are now available online for those who are searching for truth about Christianity. As a result, many have become followers of Jesus!
To help a number of Muslim and nominal Christian seekers who are a part of our Correspondence Institute, we want to send a group of 50 of our students to visit the Pakistan Bible Society (similar to the Canadian Bible Society) in the city of Lahore… a journey of almost 5 hours from our ministry centre.
While there they will examine Biblical historical documents and manuscripts that verify the reliability of the Bible, showing it has not been corrupted. They will meet with several theologians and Christian apologists who will deepen their understanding, giving them a firm foundation for confidence in the unchanging text of both the Old and New Testaments.
We need your help in sending these 50 students (made up of Muslims and nominal Christians) later this month on this special investigation into how the message of the Bible can be trusted.
The entire cost for this educational excursion is $2,133.00 which includes travel, food, the purchase of Bibles and arranging of speakers. This is an incredible opportunity for exposing the minds and hearts of our students who are searching for truth – the truth of Christianity.
Would you come alongside and help support the ministry trip by sponsoring one – or several – of these students, at a cost of just $43 per person? Your gift is an investment in a life that Jesus loves. Who knows whether this individual will become an evangelist, pastor, mother or business leader that will influence many others to come to faith.
We desire to raise up a generation of fearless Jesus followers in this Muslim country, who will share their Christian faith confidently with their Muslim friends whether at work, university or in their neighbourhood.
Yours for Asia’s Harvest,
(Rev.) Dale R. Hiscock
Executive Director